以下提供的服务机会和资源旨在帮助学生实践我们的校训, 进来是为了学习,出去是为了服务. 支持家长也可以在这里找到他们关于服务要求的许多问题的答案.



St. 卢克的孩子们不一样. 他们连接, 他们关心, 他们的工作, 他们似乎渴望学习, 最重要的是, 以每一种可以想象的方式, they display the greatest respect for our children."




The basic requirements for service are simple: 高年级学生必须在高年级春假前完成每年至少20小时的服务和一次服务反思(书面文章). For additional information, please see 常见问题 below. 如果你有其他问题没有在这里回答,请发邮件给Kate Parker-Burgard (parkerk@antirungkat.net). 我们总是很乐意帮忙.

List of 12 frequently asked questions.

  • How many hours of community service do I need to complete in the 上学校?

    • 每个高中学生每学年都必须完成20小时的社区服务. 这些小时数累积起来,就会达到毕业所需的总时间(所以如果一个学生一年的工作时间超过20小时), those excess hours will be applied to the following year). 
    • 为了获得高级特权(在校园里开车和在校期间离开校园的许可),学生必须在进入高年级时少于20小时. 
    • 另外, 所有学生在高中期间都必须完成一项关于他们所拥有的服务经验的反思. Details can be found further below on this 服务 Resource page. 
    • Students may start acquiring hours as soon as they complete 8th 年级.
  • What sort of community service “counts?”

    • All hours that are not paid with any nonprofit organization (outside of St. 卢克学派)也算. 
    • 任何有偿工作,无论是否为非营利组织,都可能不适用此要求.  
    • Any work with a for-profit organization or at St. 卢克的 may NOT be applied toward this requirement. 
  • How do I access the MobileServe app?

    • 你可以去 MobileServe.com or download the MobileServe app on your phone.
    • Sign in through Google using your SLS email address.
  • What do I need to document my hours? 

    • 当你记录你的工作时间, the app will ask you to fill in information about the number of hours worked, 你做了什么, and the name and email address of your supervisor. You may also have the supervisor sign the verification on your phone, which is optional but helpful if the supervisor doesn't respond to the email verification.
    • The supervisor must be the person from the organization who oversaw your work at the site. 请不要填写老师或家长的名字,除非他们直接参与了活动. 
    • 提醒你的主管他们将会收到一封来自MobileServe的验证邮件. That will prompt them to verify your work and then your hours will be recorded. 
  • How do I find out about volunteer work?

    • There are frequently all-school community service activities at which you can earn hours.
    • Check with local organizations: rec departments, 库, 紧急医疗服务, and fire departments have all been popular with our students. Some students also do volunteer work through their religious organization, 童子军, 或全国慈善联盟.
    • 这 page has many suggestions for volunteer work. In addition to the carousel of current opportunities at the top of the page, please scroll down to the 持续的机会 for more ideas.
    • 请 set up an appointment with Ms. 在澳门在线威尼斯官方下载的帕克-伯加德和她见面,讨论你的特殊兴趣.
  • Do I need to work with any specific organizations?

    • 不,学校鼓励学生用他们的激情和兴趣去发现有意义的事情.  Students may choose to do all of their hours with a single organization, or spread their hours among different projects. 
  • What about volunteer work that I do at St. 卢克的学校?

    校园服务是支持学校社区的一种有意义的方式,可以帮助建立一个强有力的领导简历. 服务要求的核心部分是让学生参与学校社区以外的非营利组织, we do NOT grant service hours for volunteer work that serves St. 卢克的学校. 这条规则的唯一例外是,如果校园活动直接使非营利组织受益, 比如在特奥会篮球比赛中做志愿者,或者为非营利组织参加大型校园筹款活动.
  • What do I need to know about the 服务 Reflection?

    学生们被要求为一个单一的事业或组织奉献20个小时的服务. 例如, they could volunteer 20 hours with a single homeless shelter, 或者他们可以为不同的组织提供20个小时的服务,帮助那些没有住房保障的人. That experience will become part of their 服务 Reflection, 在大四春假之前的任何时间(如果学生已经完成了20小时的课程,可以在大一开始完成). 有关写作的更多细节,请参阅下面有用文件和视频部分的社区服务反思要求链接.
  • What is the purpose of the reflection and hourly service requirement in the 上学校? 

    这 requirement helps students develop habits of reaching out beyond their communities. 通过与非营利组织合作, 学生们探索自己的领导优势,并开始培养对拥有不同经历的人的同理心. 
  • Should I continue documenting hours after I complete the requirement?

    • 是的, 但是一旦你达到了要求,你可以让领导中心主任作为你的主管. There is no need to have an outside supervisor sign off on them.
  • Why should I continue documenting hours after completing the requirement?

    • 如果我们知道你在做什么, 当其他学生在某些领域寻找志愿者机会时,你可以成为他们的资源.
    • 学生们发现记录工作时间很有帮助,因为这是他们申请暑期工作的一种资源, 奖学金和大学.
    • We really like knowing what our students are doing in the community. It gives us a more complete picture of the student and of service at St. 卢克的学校.
  • 中学怎么样?? Are they required to document hours? 

    No. 在我们中学, 学生将通过课堂上的课程单元和课后的可选机会,了解各种服务方式. 我们很乐意支持中学生的个人服务兴趣和努力, but the responsibility of documenting required hours doesn't start until 9th 年级. 


St. 路加福音’s School is a secular (non-religious), 新迦南的私立学校, CT for 年级s 5 through 12 serving over 35 towns in Connecticut and New York. 我们卓越的学术和多元化的男女同校社区促进学生的智力和道德发展,为他们进入顶尖大学做准备. St. 路加福音’s Center for 领导 builds the commitment to serve and the confidence to lead.